Data Science
Machine Learning
Computational Social Science.
Damian J. Ruck
After attaining a PhD in Complexity Science, I spent several years in U.S universities publishing Computational Social Science research in top academic journals.
Since then, I have become Chief Researcher at Advai, an Adversarial Machine Learning startup, applying Data Science skills to building Robust and Secure AI.
Machine Learning
Machine learning has revolutionized AI and looks set to transform our lives. At Advai, we expose weaknesses in AI and build tools to ensure the AI of the future is robust and secure.
Online Disinformation
Using big social media datasets and surveys to understand how false information spreads online and who is consuming it. I focus on both the United States and the Russian speaking world.
Cultural Evolution
Using survey data to measure values and beliefs in different cultures around the world. How do these differences arise and what are the consequences?